Special Event Application

Click here to determine if you need to submit an Office of Special Events Permit (OSEP) Application (Necesito yo un permiso de la Oficina de Eventos Especiales? lista de verificación)

The Office of Special Events (OSE) and this application are here to help navigate the permitting processes and city requirements that apply to your event. Depending on your event details, you may be working with several different City and County of Denver agencies to obtain the required permits and approvals. While it is the event organizer's responsibility to work directly with the various city agencies listed below, the OSE is here to help!

Some requirements will be completed by your vendor(s). If you are unsure whether a requirement is your responsibility or a vendor’s, or elements of your event change or are added, please contact OSE and we will update the related agencies.

Contact the OSE with any questions you have along the way.

To submit a Special Event Application, you will need to have an account with us. If you don't have an account, please create one.


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